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Post-Operative Care


Food and Water

  • Resume feeding tonight with dinner. Pets who receive dental extractions should eat soft food (anything soft enough to be mashed with a fork) for 2 weeks. If your pet normally eats dry kibble, add water or low-sodium chicken broth to it and let it soak until soft before offering it.

  • No hard treats, playing with toys or anything else placed into the mouth for 2 weeks if your pet had dental extractions.

  • It's normal for pets to drink less for 24 hours after surgery as they receive fluid therapy. Pets that switch to a soft or wet food diet are also likely to drink less.

  • Contact us if your pet skips two meals in a row. 


  • Your pet may not have a bowel movement for 36 hours after surgery; this is normal. 

  • Contact us if you notice diarrhea or vomiting.

Care for the Incision

  • Do not allow your pet to lick the incision area. A cone or alternative should be worn that completely prevents access to the wound. The cone needs to stay on for at least 14 days.

  • If your pet has trouble eating with their cone on, you can take it off to allow them to eat only if you are able to supervise them.

  • Watch the incision for oozing, puffiness, or bleeding after the first 24 hours. Slight bruising is normal. 

Activity Restriction

  • It is normal for pets to be groggy or disoriented for 24 hours after anesthesia. Allow your pet to rest quietly for the next 24-36 hours. Do not allow them near stairs, swimming pools or other pets during this time. Short potty walks are fine; gradually return to regular activity over the next 14 days.

  • Discourage jumping, running and rough play while the incision is healing. Short potty walks are fine; gradually return to regular activity over the next 14 days

Other Alerts

  • The breathing tube used for anesthesia can irritate the trachea, causing a mild cough or hoarse voice for a few days. If this persists or develops into a moist, deep chest cough, contact us.

  • Contact us if you notice lethargy that lasts several days, unexpected bleeding, or you are unable to give any medications prescribed.

  • If samples of tissue were sent to the lab for analysis, we will notify you of results in 1 to 2 weeks. 


Thank you for allowing us to partner with you in taking excellent care of your pet.

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